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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Healing Cancer With Natural Herbs

There are several natural  remedies which can heal cancer. Although garlic is a very good herb for healing cancer, it is not the only one. Natural healing has been proven to work and it costs much less than the traditional cancer treatment most people get. How well any treatment works for a cancer patient also  depends on the patient and how well they are willing to take care of their body. Although natural healing is less publicized than traditional cancer treatment, it does not mean that it is less affective. It just so happens to make companies far less money, if they went that route with cancer patients and therefore it is put on the back seat.

Cat’s Claw is an herb and a  powerful immune system stimulant and it also enhances the white blood cells clean up process in the blood. It is known to reduce cancer tumors especially skin cancers and reduces the side effects of chemo and radiotherapy.

Astragulus is a Chinese her and also boosts the immune system. This herb is known to double the survival time for cancer patients during their radiotherapy.

Wheatgrass juice cleans the blood; the liver and also the kidneys after a couple weeks of daily use. Oxygen levels in the blood also improve quite a bit as also does blood circulation. And oxygen is known to work against cancer cells.

Feverfew has been shown to be more effective than the leukemia drug Cytarabine.  However the FDA has never approved an herb as a cancer treatment because of  the small amount of money companies will make from them, and the money they will lose if people  stopped using their manufactured drugs. But it does not mean people cannot use whatever is effective against cancer. It just so happens that most people only use what is mainstream regardless of how effective another treatment method may be.

Red Clover is effective against oestrogen- driven cancers from breast cancer to prostate cancer. Its active ingredient is genisten.

Ehinachea is another herb which boosts the immune system. It has been shown to be effective against brain tumors, in addition to its  ability to increase the levels of white blood cells in the blood.

Wormwood is an herb that has worked better than some anti-malaria drugs. It is effective in reduce excess yeast in the body, such as leukemia treatments can cause. And excess yeast is believed by some cancer doctors to cause cancer.

Butchers Broom This herb is used especially for breast cancer because it has anti-oestrogen qualities and it shrinks cancer tumors.

Curcumin is also known as turmeric. It has been proven to have significant anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory abilities. It is used by some cancer treatment centers against colon cancer, because it reduces cancer tumors and restricts blood supply to the tumors. It is also know as an antioxidant, which protects the liver, as well as being a very good anti-inflammatory.

Black Pepper contains piperine which is an antioxidant. It prevents cancer tumors and keeps them from spreading to other parts of the body. Cayenne pepper is also good against cancer. It contains capsaicin and a study has shown that it destroys cancer cells.

Oregano also stops the spread of cancer cells and it contains carvocrol, which is a natural disinfectant.

Ginger contains gingerol and dried ginger contains zingerone, both of which are antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. They protect the body against cancer cells.

Healing cancer with natural herbs is not necessarily free from side effects. There are side effects if you don’t take the right amounts. For some herbs like garlic, you cannot take too much at one time or in one day. Garlic will give you a burning feeling in your stomach if you take too much at one time, along with other issues if you take too much in one day. As with all things that goes in the body, too much will probably be harmful.

There are many natural remedies for healing cancer and some we don’t know about. But there is not need to be restricted to only one choice and one way of thinking.  There are also many natural remedies for preventing cancer if you don’t already have cancer.